OUR SCHOOL & YOUTH PACKAGES – adventures to play and learn

School-excursions are all about learning, experiencing and understanding
Integrate a tour to the Heldenberg and its world of experience and adventure into your training plan and curriculum. The multitude of attractions, topics or subjects make the Heldenberg an ideal destination for a diverse, interesting and at the same time educational viable tour.
Experience more – together!
Switch from the classroom to real worlds of adventure experience! Our various group packages for students, kids and young people turn history, nature, ancient places or wildlife into comprehendible and easy to grasp experiences and therefore communicate the content of the curriculum in a vivid way.
You can find more information about our special kids/youth group tours in our folder (in German language), or please contact us directly via phone, contact-form or Email under office@derheldenberg.at.

Steinzeitdorf mit Kreisgraben
Das Gebiet um den Heldenberg war schon in der Jungsteinzeit besiedelt. Dies belegen Funde, die auch die Rekonstruktion des neolithischen Dorfes ermöglichten. Neben den Gebäuden dieser Epoche wird vor allem das Alltagsleben mit verschiedenen prähistorischen handwerklichen Tätigkeiten präsentiert…